Delivery - MatchFishing

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Delivery within Croatia (including islands)

Delivery of goods is via HP Express or GLS. The price of delivery is 4.65 EUR. If you pay in cash, you can pay the delivery person and it does not increase the final price.

For every order above 50.00 EUR, delivery is free.

We send the goods to your door by courier service, and GLS is most often delivered between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. We are not able to influence the exact time when the delivery will be made, because it depends on the schedule of the courier service (2-3 days), but if you have special wishes regarding the delivery, we will definitely try to meet you.

Note: upon receipt of the package, you may be charged for customs and paperwork depending on the value and the laws of the country where you receive the package. We do not cover these costs and cannot be held responsible for them, so please ask the competent services about it in advance so that there are no misunderstandings when receiving the shipment.