Drennan Carp Bungee Pole Elastic - MatchFishing

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Drennan Carp Bungee Pole Elastic


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Drennan Carp Bungee Pole Elastic is a tubular, twin-walled pole elastic with a hollow core and a highly visible fluorescent outer.

It has excellent stretch and recovery properties and fish-playing characteristics, stretching out further and longer than solid latex elastic.

The special Bungee Connector bead included acts as a sight bob and an effective buffer stop against the PTFE bush.

Carp Bungee makes the perfect power play shock absorber and helps to subdue big fish rapidly.

You get 3m of elastic per pack and Bungee Beads are included for ease of attachment to the line. Full instructions are also included in each pack.


  • Aqua – 4-6 F1 & Silverfish Bungee (1.5mm)
  • Green – 6-8 Carp Bungee (1.8mm)
  • Yellow – 10-12 Carp Bungee (2.1mm)
  • Pink – 14-16 Carp Bungee (2.5mm)
  • Row – 18-20 Carp Bungee (2.9mm)