Korda Infuza - MatchFishing

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Korda Infuza


  • Bespoke hook bait tube
  • Inner tray prevents baits becoming oversaturated
  • One shake every now and again will coat the baits
  • Two sizes available

Most anglers appreciate that the inspiration to develop a new product comes from being faced with a recurring problem, and here at Korda Developments we've recently seen an increase in the need for a no-fuss hook bait storage facility, which is why we decided to develop this little gem, the Infuza.

Boosted hook baits have been a popular technique in carp fishing for many years; the use of oils, flavor additives and bait soaks have seen a resurgence in the last couple of years and the use of such products in our own fishing really did highlight the need for a product that satisfied our requirements.